Yoshihiro tatsumi biography of mahatma
Manga and the Representation of Japanese History (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) [1 ed.] 041569423X, 9780415694230
Table of contents : • Most of the comics I’ve consigned to the Manga Hall of Shame are there for obvious reasons: a script so hammy you could serve it for Easter dinner, for example, or a female character conjured straight from the pornographer’s imagination. But the manga that earns my greatest scorn isn’t a boob-fest like Eiken or Highschool of the Dead or The Qwaser of Stigmata. No, my least favorite manga looks positively wholesome in comparison, with a nifty cover design and a familiar corporate logo just below the title. Don’t be fooled, however: Gandhi: A Manga Biography is a bad comic. As I noted in my original review, Gandhi has problems like a dog has fleas. The script is tin-eared, with passages of old-timey formality punctuated by California dudespeak. (One character actually calls another “bro.” No, really — “bro.”) The pacing, too, is uneven, focusing so heavily on Gandhi’s formative experiences in South Africa that his crusade for a sovereign India reads more like an epilogue than a second act. Equally frustrating is author Kazuki Ebine’s tendency to reduce major historical figures such as Jawaharal Nehru to walk-on roles; from the few panels in which Nehru appears, one might • Louie Henri (older)
Editor’s notes
List of figures
Notes on contributors
1 Introduction: the representation of Japanese history in manga
2 Sabotaging the rising sun: representing history in Tezuka Osamu’s Phoenix
3 Reading Shōwa history through manga: Astro Boy as the avatar of postwar Japanese culture
4 Representations of gendered violence in manga: the case of enforced military prostitution
5 Maruo Suehiro’s Planet of the Jap: revanchist fantasy or war critique?
6 Making history herstory: Nelson’s son and Siebold’s daughter in Japanese shōjo manga
7 Heroes and villains: manchukuo in Yasuhiko Yoshikazu’s Rainbow Trotsky
8 Making history: manga between kyara and historiography
9 Postmodern representations of the pre-modern Edo period
10 ‘Land of kami, land of the dead’: paligenesis and the aesthetics of religious revisionism in Kobayashi Yoshinori’s ‘Neo-Gōmanist Manifesto: on Yasukuni’
11 Hating Korea, hating the media: Manga Kenkanryū and the graphical (mis-)representation of Japanese history in the Internet age
12 The adaptation of Chinese history into Japanese popular culture: a study of Japane The Hooded Utilitarian
List of story films
Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor life actress 1906 The Story commemorate the Actress Gang Ned Kelly Frank Mills 1909 The Origin raise Beethoven's Moonshine Sonata Ludwig precursor Beethoven Harry Baur The Life depose Moses Moses Pat Hartigan Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allan Poe Herbert Yost Saul and David King David Maurice Costello King Saul William V. Ranous 1910 Pyotr Velikiy Peter the Great Pyotr Voinov 1911 Sweet Nell of Column Drury Nell Gwyn Nellie Stewart Charles II of England Augustus Neville 1912 Custer's Last Fight George Armstrong Custer Francis Ford Cleopatra Cleopatra Helen Gardner From the Trough to interpretation Cross Jesus Robert Henderson-Bland 1913 Adrienne Lecouvreur Adrienne Lecouvreur Sarah Bernhardt Giuseppe Verdi nella vita compare nella gloria Giuseppe Verdi Egisto Cecchi The Poised and Entirety of Richard Wagner Richard Wagner Giuseppe Becce Sixty Age a Queen Queen Victoria Blanche Forsythe (younger) 1914 Beating Back Al Jennings Al Jennings Richelieu Cardinal Richelieu Murdock MacQuarrie The Adventures slow François Villon: The Oubliette François Villon The Adventures reduce speed François Villon: The A cut above Law Th