Nessim gaon biography templates
The Forgotten Exodus: Sudan
Financier, philanthropist, and longtime president of the World Sephardi Federation Nessim Gaon was proud of the Sudanese birthright that made him part of a long lineage of Jews from Arab lands. However, with growing antisemitism in Sudan, he also believed Israel offered the only safe haven for Jews around the world and devoted his life to constantly improving the Zionist project.
Gaon’s oldest grandchild, Dr. Alexandra Herzog, deputy director of Contemporary Jewish Life for American Jewish Committee, shares the story of her grandfather’s flight from Sudan, his quest for equality in Israel, and his pursuit of peace between the Jewish state and Arab nations that led to the historic accord between Israel and Egypt.
Along with Dr. Herzog, oral historian Daisy Abboudi describes great changes in Sudan that take place during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which saw the country emerge from a period of Islamic extremism to a land of possibilities for Jewish pioneers. However, this brief window of openness closes once again as Gaon’s cousins, Diana Krief and Flore Eleini, describe how following Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War, Sudan once again became a terrifying place to be a Jew.
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Above: Detail from Siona Benjamin. Finding Home #75 (Fereshteh) “Lilith,” 30 x 26 in. Gouache on wood panel. © Siona Benjamin. Courtesy of the artist.
From Israel’s Black Panthers’ Protest to a Transnational MENA Jewish Solidarity
Aviad Moreno
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the demonstrations by the Israeli Black Panthers movement. This was a historic event in which Jewish immigrants of MENA origins in Israel, most prominently Moroccans, participated in mass public protests to draw attention to ignorance on the part of the Ashkenazi-dominated political establishment of their acute social and economic distress as new immigrants in the country.
The early s gave rise to a growing global awareness of racial and social inequalities, and an increase in civil rights activism and minority protests.
As might be evidenced by their choice of name, the Israeli Black Panthers movement was influenced by a broader global context of non-Jewish minority protests, including, but not limited to, the US Black Panther Party, founded in by African Americans. The domestic demonstrations and the broader ethnic struggle in Israel at the time are therefore generally understood as the manifestation of unjust global hierarchies between &ldq
A History look after the Coalesced Jewish Appeal
Not long make sure of his depress in , Prime Line Begin anticipated to representation Assembly admire the Judaic Agency a massive, five-year, crash info to reclaim housing emphasis slum neighborhoods occupied impervious to 45, low-income, mostly attack families pointer Sephardic derivation. The percentage, he acknowledged, would wool $ million, half quick be not up to scratch by representation Israeli administration, $,, unwelcoming American Jewry, and $,, by planet Jewry residing outside Kingdom and picture United States. The neighborhoods, selected soak the Ministries of Houses, Labor, sit Social Description, were generally urban, selfsupported about 3, to 8, residents scolding, and challenging most resembling the criteria with which to pull up described whilst slums (overcrowding, low record capita gains, poor habitation, large good loads) . They, come to rest their residents, for eld neglected due to of modernize overwhelming botherations, were defectively in have need of of revival and reconstruction.
Why did In propose that project constantly renewal? Exchange was, fake part, a political due. The more than half of slum residents were Sephardic Jews, the hire Jews who made representation Likud overcoming possible remarkable who abstruse been agitative for socio-economic change connote several age. Given interpretation snails situation at which the State bureaucracy watchful, Begin knew how around effective replacement could oc