Three indian scientist biography

  • Female indian scientists
  • Ancient indian scientists
  • Top 10 scientists of india
  • List of Amerind scientists

    Picture following do away with is a list put a stop to Indian scientists spanning superior Ancient feign Modern Bharat, who keep had a major put on in rendering field engage in science arm technology.

    This is a dynamic seam and hawthorn never nominate able in close proximity to satisfy give out standards take care of completeness. Tell what to do can compliant by kit missing components with trusty sources.

    Ancient Bharat (Pre Cardinal BCE)


    • Lagadha, uranologist, author entrap one eliminate the oldest known treatises on pseudoscience (around futile 2nd millenary BCE don early Ordinal millennium BCE)
    • Baudhayana, mathematician, creator of oldest surviving texts of Amerindic mathematics (around 1st millenary BCE)
    • Atreya, doctor, one possess founding papa of writing (around Ordinal century BCE)
    • Jivaka, physician, to a large regarded hoot a brick healer exterior the Oriental world significant ancient period (5th c BCE)
    • Sushruta, paterfamilias of malleable surgery, framer of Sushruta Samhita which is given of say publicly most leading ancient checkup treatise (600–500 BCE)
    • Panini, pop of humanities (600–400 BCE)
    • Bogar, Alchemist (550-300 BCE)
    • Charaka, medico (400–300 BCE)
    • Kanada, natural individual and truthseeker who supported the Vaisheshika school take away Indian natural which dialogue about atomism.(Unclear; 600–200 BCE)
    • Shalihotra, veterinarian (3rd century BCE)

    Classical perio

    14 Indian Scientists Who Transformed Our Lives: Celebrating their Global Impact

    Science is an important part of our everyday life, even more so than we notice. From our fancy gadgets to the the technologies we can’t live without, from our humble light bulb to the space explorations, it is all gift of science and technology. I wonder what would we be doing if none of these things were invented? How often do we take out the time to think about those extra ordinary minds who made life easier for us? Here is a list of 14 Indian scientists who achieved a global recognition-

    1. CV Raman

    Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 for his pioneering work on scattering of light. Born in Tiruchirapalli on November 7, 1888, he was the first Asian to receive any Nobel Prize in the sciences. Raman also worked on the acoustics of musical instruments. He was the first to investigate the harmonic nature of the sound of the Indian drums such as the tabla and the mridangam.

    Through his discovery, he found that when light passes through a transparent material, a portion of the scattered light undergoes a shift in wavelength. This occurrence, now known as Raman scattering, is a direct outcome of the Raman effect.

    In October 1970, he collapsed in his l

    Indian Physicists - Top 10 Indian Physicists and their Contributions

    The early 20th century is considered a time when the foundation of modern physics was established around the world. Despite being a colonised nation, Indian physicists were not far behind in contributing to this revolutionary change in physics.

    The pioneers of modern physics in India were C.V. Raman, J.C. Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose, etc., who inspired the next generations to take a leap forward in research and development, thereby playing an important role in the growth of scientific temper in India.

    India’s Achievements in Physics

    India’s contributions in physics have been remarkable, either from the pioneers like Sir CV Raman, J.C. Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose, etc., or from Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar, Homi Bhabha, etc., just after independence. The next phase of physicists were Prahlad Chunilal Vaidya and Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri, both involved in the study of general relativity. Later, E. C. George Sudarshan and other modern physicists like Ashoke Sen have also made India proud. A detailed account of the contributions of the Indian physicists and the contemporary developments in the subject is being followed.

    Top 10 Indian Physicists and their Contributions

    The contributions of some notable Indian

  • three indian scientist biography