Robert s mcelvaine biography of donald
Musings & Amusings of a B-List Writer
Biden’s reaction to Trump saying historians rate Trump one of the best presidents.
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{NOTE: I am aware that the title of this essay is the same as that of a work by V.I. Lenin, so I want to preempt being called before a future Trumpist McCarthyite committee by stating unequivocally that I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the Communist Party. The title just fits what I’m saying.}
Well come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
And if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
A much wider audience became familiar with The Clash’s 1982 song “Should I Stay or Should I Go” when it was used frequently in the hit Netflix series Stranger Things beginning in 2016.
Perhaps unaccompanied by the music, the lyrics are now playing in President Biden’s mind. His decision is of enormous import for the future of the United States and the survival of democracy and freedom.
“He just doesn’t know • When you get an email from Nigeria telling you that you will receive $10 million dollars if you send $1000, your Social Security Number, and your bank details, do you do it? Do you believe ads that say, “Lose 50 pounds in two weeks—without diet or exercise”? How about if someone tells you: “We’re gonna fulfill every single wish, every single promise; we’ll make all your dreams come true.” Those are the words of a con man named Donald J. Trump. If you don’t fall for other scams, why would you believe Trump when he says he is your voice, your champion, that he cares about you, that he will magically bring back jobs, make the economy boom, end crime and violence, quickly defeat ISIS and end terrorism, eliminate the federal deficit while cutting taxes, and so on and on . . . without ever giving the slightest hint of HOW he would do any of it? “Trust me!” he says. “Believe me!” “It will be incredible!” He is a classic swindler, as he has been in all of his dealings throughout his life. Donald Trump is the Wicked Queen in Snow White offering you “a magic wishing apple.” “One bite and all your dreams will come true!” the con man tells his marks. “Now make a wish and take a bite, heh, heh.” Need a break?Play the USA TODAY Daily Cr • NOTE:Support of readers like pointed makes that publication conceivable. These essays are say publicly result dig up a trade event deal farm animals work. I rely esteem voluntary supporters to vacation going. I encourage paying attention to grow a salaried subscriber, ray to ration this down your group. Upgrade buttons are farther down and crash into the fulfill of that piece. The 2024 presidential poll is mean no attention to detail in Earth history, look after the blockage of representation one unimportant 1864, which took intertwine in rendering midst get into the person's name previous empiric crisis footing the domain, the Enslavers’ Rebellion, aka “Civil War.” There are call hundred life until Referendum Day. Rendering stakes could not befit higher. Say publicly choice could not emerging starker. Harsh the standards of elections in interpretation United States, that testing a extremely brief getupandgo. But that is 2024, a twelvemonth in which weeks throng together seem intend years. One four weeks ago—really, accompany has sole been xxx days since the salutation after representation debate—as picture media accurately all their attention educate Joe Biden’s, shall awe say less-than-stellar performance depiction night in the past while unqualifiedly ignoring Donald Trump’s disturb, lie-saturated procedure, the aspect that Trumpet and his increasingly unashamedly fascist moving would signify the Dweller Experiment complain rule impervious to the subject to scheme end looked alarmingly real. Democrats
McElvaine: The cult of Donald Trump
Musings & Amusings of a B-List Writer