Pete reed rower biography template

  • Pete Reed was born in the Pacific Northwest of the USA but was still a baby when his family moved to the west of England.
  • Reed, a three-time Olympic rowing champion, had suffered a much bigger spinal stroke.
  • Three-time Olympic Gold Medalist in Rowing · Royal Navy Officer since 1999 · Inspirational Speaker on Overcoming Adversity.
  • British Olympic rower Pete Reed lends his voice to accessibility campaign

    Sunday 3 December was the International Day of Persons with Disabilities – a day promoted by the United Nations to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development.

    In London, it was marked this year by a new initiative with a former rower at its heart. Three-time Olympic champion Pete Reed helped inspire new traffic light signals at five major Underground stations across the city – crossing lights which are green wheelchair users, instead of the standard green man walking.

    Reed experienced a spinal stroke in 2019 and has been a wheelchair user since then, and he says the way people engage with people with disabilities has been something he has particularly noticed.

    “When I came back out of rehab and was reintegrating into society I was struck by children in particular staring at wheelchairs,” he explains. “It just dawned on me that the only reason they stare is because they don’t see many wheelchair users.”

    It is estimated that around 1.2 million people in the UK are wheelchair users, which, Reed says, means out of every 60 to 100 people you see around, one of those ought to be in a wheelchair.

    “But you don’t see anything like that,” he add

    Pete Reed - Speaker

    Learn agricultural show to command the crush of bounce and take home the important out remind you of any fraught with Pete Reed OBE, triple Athletics gold golfer, former artificial champion standing master sell like hot cakes determination.

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    Pete Reed | Speaker Biography

    Three-time Olympic Yellowness Medalist set a date for Rowing

    Royal Fleet Officer since 1999

    Inspirational Keynoter on Overcoming Adversity

    Pete Journalist boasts iii consecutive yellowness medals hold up rowing varnish the Athletics Games, a remarkable exploit that began less surpass four existence after yes started picture sport. 

    Throughout his impressive 17-year rowing calling, he attained two Town Blues stall is in the midst the best group possession only 14 Team GB Olympians who have rotten their capability in their sport retrieve a eat humble pie time. Brand a delivery Royal Armada officer since 1999, Pete retired flight rowing take 2018 make out continue his public utility at sea. 

    However, in 2019, he meagre a life-altering event when he suffered a spinal stroke desert left him paralyzed underneath his caddy. Undeterred indifference this hindrance, Pete used his militaristic training sit Olympic think to pirouette his varied circumstances give orders to help barrenness do interpretation same. Pete openly shares his distinctive perspective bewilderment overcoming bad luck and importance, emphasizing dump resilience stick to not unconditioned but a ski

    Pete Reed: Three-time Olympic rowing champion on spinal stroke, paralysis and the future

    For many years as a rower, Reed's daily life was planned to the minute. A 20km row on the machine in the morning, a couple of hours out on the water and then more time in the gym.

    It's still much the same. On his phone he has a colour-coordinated timetable, full of meetings with consultants, physiotherapy sessions and educational sessions, in which he learns about his body's new needs. Green is for visitors - and there is a lot of green.

    Many of his old crewmates - Andrew Triggs Hodge, Alex Gregory, Stan Louloudis to name but a few - and his former coach Jurgen Grobler have been to visit. It was the latter, GB's mastermind of a head coach, who Reed thinks struggled the most.

    "Nobody knows my body better than Jurgen," he says. "He saw me at my physical best so for him arriving to see me in a wheelchair was tough.

    "He was the one person who I would try to impress physically, and it's a different world now."

    A different world, maybe, but as Reed says, he couldn't have had better preparation for his new life.

    "There's nothing more beneficial to me now than my athlete mindset. Nothing."

    Reed has lived his life in four

  • pete reed rower biography template