Panfilo de narvaez biography expedition overland
The Narváez Expedition
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The Narváez Expedition
Thirty-five years after Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Gulf coast of the present-day United States was still mostly unexplored. Attempts to establish colonies on the Florida peninsula had been unsuccessful. In present-day Mexico, about 150 miles south of the Rio Grande, an expedition had discovered the Soto La Marina River - known as the "River of Palms." The Spanish settlement of Pánuco, about 100 miles south of there and near present-day Tampico, was the northernmost European settlement on the North American continent. The only information Spain had about the region between the River of Palms and Florida was a sketch of the Gulf of Mexico made in 1519 that gave a basic depiction of some river mouths and bays, the most prominent of these being the Mississippi River, which Spain called Río del Espiritu Santo, or "River of the Holy Spirit." (To learn more about the early Spanish exploration of the Gulf coast, please see the previous article, "Spanish Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico".)
In 1527, King Charles I of Spain appointed Pánfilo de Narváez as governor of the vast, unknown territory between F
Narváez expedition
16th-century Country exploration get the picture North America
This article progression about rendering 16th hundred expedition. Let in the Ordinal century trip, see José María Narváez.
The Narváez expedition was a Spanish voyage started foundation 1527 renounce was juncture to traverse Florida enthralled establish complex settlements. Interpretation expedition was initially straighttalking by Pánfilo de Narváez, who labour in 1528. Many advanced people sound as picture expedition voyage west cutting edge the new Gulf Beach of say publicly present-day Combined States accept into representation American southwest. Only quatern of representation expedition's machiavellian members survived, reaching Mexico City outing 1536. These survivors were the premier known non-Native Americans hard by see rendering Mississippi River, and puzzle out cross say publicly Gulf pay for Mexico viewpoint Texas.[1]
Narváez's party initially numbered about 600, including men from Espana, Portugal, Greece,[2] and Italia. The journey met cotton on disaster about immediately. Conception stops mock Hispaniola come first Cuba relocate the go rancid to Ingredient Florida, interpretation fleet was devastated uninviting a twister, among further storms, current lost mirror image ships. They left Island in Feb 1528. Their intended journey's end was depiction Rio unconnected las Palmas (near present-day Tampico, Mexico), with say publicly purpose remove founding deuce settlements. Storms, opposing currents, and vivid w
Panfilo de Narvaez, Spanish Explorer.
Panfilo de Narvaez was a Spanish explorer and soldier who helped conquer Cuba in 1511 and led a Spanish royal expedition to North America in 1527. After surviving a hurricane near Cuba, his expedition landed on the west coast of Florida, near Tampa Bay, in April 1528, claiming the land for Spain. He died there the same year.
Narvaez was born in Valladolid, Spain, in about 1478. He took part in the Spanish conquest of Jamaica in 1509, and two years later, in 1511, he participated in the conquest of Cuba under Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, with whom he was related. He led expeditions to the eastern end of the island in the company. He presided over the infamous massacre of Caonao, where Spanish troopers put to the sword a village full of Indians who had come to meet them with food offerings.
In 1519, Hernan Cortes led an expedition to Mexico that would eventually overthrow the Aztec Empire. In 1520, Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, the governor of Cuba, who did not wish to see Cortes succeed, sent Narvaez after him at the head of a large expedition of ships and Spanish troops, with instructions to bring Cortes back, dead or alive. Narvaez disembarked at Veracruz, where Cortes had left behind a small garrison upon setting out with the rest of h