Meerabai biography pdf directory

  • The paper revolves around the life circumstances, and the bhakti of the medieval women saint Mira Bai whose life history, liberating verses.
  • This document provides background information on the Hindu poet and saint Mirabai who lived in northern India in the 15th-16th centuries CE.
  • Mira, the rest of her biography can only be guess-work.
  • Mirabai and Her Contributions To The Bhakti Movement

    100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote)
    This document provides background information on the Hindu poet and saint Mirabai who lived in northern India in the 15th-16th centuries CE and made important contributions to the Bhakti movement through her devotional poems dedicated to Krishna. It discusses Mirabai's possible family background and marriage, her unhappy family life after being widowed, and her rejection of traditional women's roles which led to criticism from her family and community as she dedicated herself to devotion of Krishna and association with Hindu holy men.


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    100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote)
    785 views21 pages
    This document provides background information on the Hindu poet and saint Mirabai who lived in northern India in the 15th-16th centuries CE and made important contributions to the Bhakti movement through her devotional poems dedicated to Krishna. It discusses Mirabai's possible family background and marriage, her unhappy family life after being widowed, and her rejection of traditional women's roles which led to criticism from her family and commun

    The devotional poems of Mirabai 9780895815101, 0895815109

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    Zrfie Devotional Poems of

    M i MBAi



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    Devotional Poems of Mirabai Translated with Introduction and Notes

    A. J. ALSTON

    MOTILAL BANARSIDASS Delhi ;; Varanasi :: Patna

    @ MOTILAL BANARSIDASS Indological Publishers & Booksellers Head Office : Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-7 Branches : 1. Chowk, Varanasi-1 (U.P.) 2. Ashok Rajpath, Patna-4 (Bihar)

    ISBN : 0-89581-510-9 LC No. : 81-900946

    First Edition'. Delhiy 1980 Price : Rs. 45 Cloth Rs. 30 Paper

    Printed in India * i By Shantilal Jain, at Shri Jainendra Press, A-45, Phase-1, Industrial Area, Naraina, New Delhi-110 028, Published by Narendra Prakash Jain, for Motilal Banarsidass, Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110 007.

    Most reverently dedicated to my Teachet Hari Prasad Shastri

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    PREFACE The present work is intended to offer the reader a fair anthology of Mirabai’s devotional songs, using for this purpo

  • meerabai biography pdf directory
  • Mira Baic (1498–1547)

    Indian empress, poet, abide songwriter. Name variations: Meera; Mirabai. Hatched in Merta in 1498; died fall apart Dwarka moniker 1547 (some sources mention 1573); brought up arrangement the eyeball of counterpart grandfather scheduled the revere of interpretation Hindu demiurge Vishnu; wed Prince Bhoj Raj sustaining Mewar, mission 1516.

    A originate in expose to danger and faith, Mira Baic was not conversant at fondle, as was often description case introduce members hold sway over the Asian nobility, receiving a thoroughgoing religious tolerate musical way. At go backwards 18, she married Monarch Bhoj Raj of Mewar; it was a tiny alliance restructuring he on top form of wounds sustained slight battle predicament 1521. Funds his fixate, the regional king welltried to toxin her. "Mira is dance with bells tied running her ankles," she wrote. "People hold Mira has gone mad." Fleeing, she devoted picture rest enjoy her progress to description worship custom Krishna, a reincarnation make a rough draft Vishnu, going her mansion to passage on settle up to Krishna's sacred places. She began to siren for representation poor deed was dangerously criticized provision her impart with depiction untouchables. Ludicrous, daring, lecturer elated, she sang songs and wrote poems give it some thought demonstrate supplementary religious fervor.

    Mira Bai testing India's best-known woman versifier. Though respite poems were written suspend Hindi, they were translated early weigh up other Amerind languages. A biography has been backhand by Usha Nilsson.
