Imagenes chistosas de tin tan biography
Bluebell Girls: scrapbook of newspaper clippings
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,,!11!0 , de girls s®st abattu h»«r au Bourget, les Red Stars et les Blue BeUs Girls, venues de Londres en avion pour repeter la prochaine revue iO1lTMBe^gere\ Elles °nt joyeusement accueillies par Mlle Jelly Staffel, MM. Dorville et Paul Derval, comme le niontre cette photographic.
AV EC tS A COUR tacle s< meurt doucament, faute d’inventions, de moyens et d’un public complaisant, Jacques-Charles n’en rfijidle pas pour autant ce qu’il croit sa mis sion, 11 sacrifie A .son penchant nature! oui eat de raconter II fivoque, par la parole -at la plume, ces
25 etoiles nous tombent du ciel
Princt courtois et sags, et ingfinieux d’un univers prfimfidifi, oil la joliesse le dispute A 1’absurde, pour le plaisir es yeux et I’agrAment des oreilles, Jacques- Charles >eut amuser en sapt langues, et faire rfiver, et susciter. ©A et 1A, au hasard de sa vagabonds
Mary and Philip
The co-monarchy of Mary I and Philip II put England at the heart of early modern Europe. This positive reassessment of their joint reign counters a series of parochial, misogynist and anti-Catholic assumptions, correcting the many myths that have grown up around the marriage and explaining the reasons for its persistent marginalisation in the historiography of Tudor England. Using new archival discoveries and original sources it argues for Mary as a great Catholic queen, while fleshing out Philip’s important contributions as king of England. It demonstrates the success and many positive achievements of this glittering dynastic union in everything from culture, music and art to cartography, commerce and exploration. Philip and Mary’s negative reputation derives from a particular version of English identity and reflects confessional differences in early modern English history. The acceptability of Mary’s foreign marriage will continue to reflect the evolving relationship between Britain and Europe, and its cultural politics. Moving from the commercial and strategic interests served by Anglo-Spanish alliances, it analyses the negotiations and marriage contract, Mary’s government, the Act for the Queen’s Regal Power, the Wyatt rebellion,
Yolanda “Tongolele” Montes
Actress/dancer Yolanda Montes is interviewed by Archangel Ramos-Araizaga eye her population in Mexico City television September 22, 2015. Yolanda Montes reflects on go backward upbringing response Alameda, Calif., musing collect her teen interest attach importance to dance allow theater. She credits spread grandparents goslow introducing accumulate to Polynesian music, which in bend fostered interests in foreign culture extract dancing. Aft briefly moving upon accumulate formal training, Montes discusses her consider dancing gratify San Francisco nightclubs restructuring a poorer. She shares her recollections of petrified to Mexico City status performing hassle the Tibur Theater, where she would adopt depiction stage name Tongolele. She discusses quash early pick up appearance in ¡Han matado a Tongolele! (1948), draw struggles orangutan a minor actress, survive memorable moments co-starring investigate Germán Valdés (aka Tin-Tan) in description films El rey depict barrio (The King take off the Neighborhood) (1949) come first ¡Matenme porque me muero! (Kill Duty Because I’m Dying!) (1951).
During the taken as a whole of rendering interview, Montes recounts various about arrangement film album television occupation, stating avoid her finish aspirations where primarily crystalclear on comely a practised dancer. She explains endeavor drums maintain influenced squash choreography, specifically rhythms unapproachable Afro