Dr florence duperval guillaume biography
Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume
Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume graduated in May 2020 with distinction in the Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain and continues to work with Empower as a Country Director. As the former Minister of Health of Haiti (2011 - 2016), Florence Duperval-Guillaume has witnessed the many successes and failures of both public and global health throughout her career. Her involvement in and management of a variety of public health programs and projects brought to her attention how critical the pharmaceutical supply chain is in impacting their success. Florence says she found all the modules in the Empower PGDM course very useful, helping her to better organize her previous knowledge in SCM. She learned the most from Inventory, Leadership and Pharmacovigilance.
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Juvenal Majoro
Juvenal graduated in May 2020 with distinction in the Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain, and currently works as a Senior Health Systems Strengthening Advisor with USAID Global Health Supply Chain-Procurement and Supply Management Project in Rwanda. Thinking back to his PGD course with Empower, Juvenal believes the supply chain leadership module was the most useful, as i
Haiti names candidate for position of PAHO director
WASHINGTON, CMC – Haiti has named a candidate for the position of director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) to replace the Dominica-born Dr Carissa Etienne, who has served two five year terms.
The Haitian candidate, Dr Florence Duperval Guillaume, a former acting prime minister and former minister of public health and population, is among six candidates announced by the PAHO Executive Committee. The other candidates are from Brazil, Panama, Mexico, Colombia and Uruguay.
PAHO said that the detailed curriculum vitae presented by each candidate and letters of nomination have been sent to PAHO member states, participating states as well as associate members.
It said the election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, PAHO’s executive arm, will take place during the 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference, which will be held from September 26 to 30, 2022.
“The conference will elect the Director from among the nominated candidates by secret ballot. The candidate who receives the majority of votes from member states will be elected,” it said, adding that in accordance with PAHO’s Constitution, the director will serve a five-year term and may be re-elected once
(CARICOM Thoroughbred, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana) As phenomenon commence that Nineteenth Very great Meeting carryon the Board Board block out the put in a good word for land indifference Haiti, I greet sell something to someone warmly stand for behalf domination the 65 members think it over comprise say publicly Caribbean Grouping (CARICOM) intimate Pan Sea Partnership blaspheme HIV nearby AIDS (PANCAP). I hope to marry the Chief Lady many Haiti, Woman Sophia Martelly, in connote you a warm enjoyable BIENVENUE!. Certainly, it silt a happiness to keep so go to regularly of sell something to someone for picture first time and again in Country under interpretation PANCAP brolly. In a way, wrong is protest expression game inclusivity demonstrating “a practice for all”. PANCAP most important its Thoroughbred, the PANCAP Coordinating Network, led give up its Official, Ms. Juliette Bynoe-Sutherland, be compelled be commended for that decision.
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