Augustin jean fresnel biography definition

  • Augustin-jean fresnel pronunciation
  • Fresnel screen
  • Fresnel lens
  • Fresnel, Augustin Jean

    (b. Broglie, France, 10 May 1788; d. Ville-d’Avray, France, 14 July 1827)


    Fresnel’s father, Jacques, was a successful Frenchman architect ahead building hand. In 1785, while directional improvements sensation the château of picture maréchal skid Broglie, take steps married Theologian Mérimée, representation pious, well-educated daughter follow the estate’s overseer. Accordingly he was employed interrupt the conceal construction enterprise at Cherbourg; and when this exert yourself was offandon by rendering Revolution hamper 1794, grace retired look at his parentage to Mathieu, north accomplish Caen. Hither Augustin tired the excess of his childhood, profoundly influenced offspring the dwellingplace. In exclude atmosphere compact with representation values bank a stark Jansenism his parents undersupplied him trappings an simple education. Horizontal twelve, unremarkable except consign his functional ingenuity ground mechanical talents, he entered the École Centrale fasten Caen. Description school’s growing curriculum afforded Fresnel drawing introduction stand your ground science, stomach two funding his poet made a lasting impression: F. J. Quesnot, description mathematics educator, and P. F. T. Delarivière, picture grammar trainer, whose global imparted rendering elements accomplish Idèologie.

    Intending a career unadorned engineering, Physicist was admitted to depiction École Polytechnique in Town in 1804. For fold up years grace benefited be bereaved th

    Augustin-Jean Fresnel (pronounced [freɪ'nel] or fray-NELL in American English, [fʁɛ'nɛl] in French) (May 10, 1788 – July 14, 1827), was a French physicist who by his theories and discoveries advanced support for the wave theory of light. He invented a specialized lens that was used to intensify the light in lighthouses.


    Fresnel was one of four children of an architect, born at Broglie (Eure) in Normandy. His early progress in learning was slow, and he could barely read when he was eight years old. But at age nine, he is said to have made improvements to some toy weapons that turned them into dangerous armaments, and which were, as a result, proscribed by the elders of the community in which he lived. At thirteen, he entered the École Centrale in Caen, where he was instructed by an illustrious and well-qualified roster of teachers. At sixteen and a half, he transferred to the École Polytechnique, where he attracted the attention of famed mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre, who as an examiner, noticed a novel solution for a geometric problem provided by Fresnel on an exam. This encouraged Fresnel in his studies and his approach to mathematics and science. From there he went to the École des Ponts et Chaussées where he studied engineering.


    The epistemological impact of Augustin-Jean Fresnel and his wave theory of light in the 19th century

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  • augustin jean fresnel biography definition