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A Year in History: 1933 Timeline
Throughout 1933, many unforgettable events made headline news across the world. The year saw many political changes that would pave the way for the Second World War, such as Adolf Hitler rising to power in German and beginning his rule as dictator for a minimum of four years. Gaining an incredibly influential position, the Nazi Party eliminated political opposition to govern a single-party state, and the year marked the start of their persecution of certain members of society opposed to fascism, including Jewish people and communists.
Across the pond, the United States (and the rest of the world) was deep into the Great Depression, and the nation welcomed a new President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to tackle unemployment and the country’s failing economy. In other, more positive news, the first singing telegram was delivered in New York City, and the original King Kong film had its premiere. You can explore original 1933 newspapers for yourself in our archive, and you can discover which events made the front pages on your chosen date.
1933 Timeline
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January 2: At Melbourne Cricket Ground, cricket legend Don Bradman leads Australia to an 111 run victory after scoring an unbeaten 103 during the second ‘Bodyline’ Test
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