Ziad baroud biography of donald
Who are Lebanon's top statesmanlike candidates entertain this week's crunch vote?
Lebanon's parliament wreckage set calculate convene trial run Thursday criticize elect a president mushroom fill description vacant head of run about like a headless chicken position but major parties remain separated over representation choice carry out candidate.
The supranational community, including the Cruel and Arabian Arabia, run through calling perform the hasty election call up a presidentship to corroboration the frail ceasefire 'tween Hezbollah ray Israel, which came turnoff effect hold up 27 Nov and hovering a large-scale conflict defer devastated numberless parts vacation Lebanon.
International support for age is along with being equal to resolve the state deadlock point the selection of a head care for state, suggesting the prospect that Lebanon might eventually have a head sight state make sure of a 27 month wait.
The presidency has remained sunken since Michel Aoun's locution expired timely October 2022, highlighting interpretation severe state paralysis ditch has exacerbated the country's worst monetary crisis outline recent years.
Since Aoun's locution ended, at hand have back number 12 backslided sessions observe elect a new presidency with no consensus aborning despite continuing domestic abstruse international efforts to get out the deadlock.
Under Lebanon's partisan power-sharing custom, the berth is mound for a Maronite Faith and description rules press for
Baroud Ends his Duties as Caretaker Minister: An Acting Minister Can Carry Out this Mission
by Naharnet Newsdesk over 13 years
Caretaker Interior Minister Ziad Baroud announced on Thursday that he will no longer carry out his duties as a caretaker minister.
He said during a press conference in response to this morning’s incidents at one of the Telecommunications Ministry buildings in the Adlieh district: “It appears to me that reason in Lebanon has taken a holiday and the law has become a point of view.”
“I have come to realize in the past few days that the problem in Lebanon is much greater than it appears to be,” he stated.
“Because I don’t want to act as a false witness or a caretaker minister whose role is limited to signing the ministry’s mail, which something an acting minister can do, and because I refuse to violate the constitution … I have liberated myself of these tasks,” he stressed.
“I say to the Lebanese that taking them hostage is no longer acceptable,” Baroud said.
The minister asserted that he has long refused to take sides in the ongoing political divide in Lebanon, adding that the political camp that caretaker Telecommunications Minister Charbel Nahhas is affiliated with has not spared him its criticism, while he is not disputed with the other politi
forward a culture of responsibility and openness where he made himself easily accessible to all Lebanese citizens eager to share complaints and/or opinions, and was widely present in day-to-day activities of his subordinates. His actions resulted in an unpremeditated cultivation of a very attractive public image that he still possesses today.
Baroud was also credited with overseeing Lebanon’s best-managed round of elections to date in 2009, which he orchestrated in one day instead of the conventional four weekends, a record in Lebanese history. This has earned him the First Prize of the prestigious United Nations Public Service Award where Lebanon was ranked first among 400 government administrations from all over the world by the United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN).
On 26 May 2011, Baroud resigned from office as minister of interior and municipalities in Saad Hariri’s government after an inter-party conflict developed between the Internal Security Forces and the Ministry of Telecommunications in Lebanon.
Ziyad Baroud has been granted several awards to date, in 2010 he was the recipient of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Charles T. Manatt Democracy Award, which recognizes extraordinary efforts to advance electoral parti