Thomas christopher collins biography sample
Collins, Thomas (1855-1901)
Primitive Methodist Magazine 1903
Transcription of Obituary in the Primitive Methodist Magazine by T.H. Hunt
The Rev. Thomas Collins, who spent twenty-two years in our ministry, was born at Swansea on the 23rd August, 1855, and died at Southampton, in June, 1901. He travelled in succession the following circuits with acceptability and encouraging success:- Lymm, Morecambe, Belfast, (Blackstaff Road), Tunbridge Wells, Manchester 2nd, Manchester 1st, Rochdale, Earlstown, Skelmersdale, Portland, Radstock, and Southampton 2nd. In all these circuits Mr. Collins commended himself by his blameless life and intelligent and zealous labours to the people he served.
In his early life he did not receive any very great help either of an educational or a religious character. This may be inferred from the fact that his father was a Roman Catholic, and was determined to bring up his son in Romish faith. His mother was a Protestant, but it is said that before she died, and at the desire of his father and friends, she renounced Protestantism and became a Catholic too. Whether this was so Mr. Collins had no evidence to confirm, but it could have little influence over him, as she died when he was very young; but between her and her son there grew up a fond atta
Birth. April 26, 1943, Hradec Králové, East Bohemia, Czech Republic (then Federal Republic of Czechoslovakia). His father was a soldier. His baptismal name was Jaroslav.
Education. After graduating from the gymnasium J. K. Tyla in 1960, he tried to study theology but it was prohibited because of political reasons. He worked from 1960 to 1962 in the factory "ZVU Hradec" and learned mechanics. From 1962 to 1964 he completed his military service and returned then to his work place. In 1965, after a long delay on appeals he was allowed to study philosophy and theology at the Theological Faculty Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Litoměřice. On January 5, 1968, he secretly entered the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) and took the name Dominik; made his temporary profession on January 6, 1969; in 1979 he obtained a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Theological Faculty "Saint John the Baptist" in Warsaw, Poland.
Priesthood. Ordained, June 22, 1970, by Stepán Trochta, bishop of Litoměřice, and at that time Cardinal in pectore. For five years, he worked in the parishes of Chlum, Jáchymov and Nové Mitrovice (then archdiocese of Prague, now diocese of Plzeň). On January 7, 1972, he made the solemn profession in the Order of Preachers. In 1975, after wearing his religious garb i
Anglican priest Justice Collins DD(died 1648), Edward's cousin, served as a Vice Provost of Profile Collegeand Maxim of City. In picture latter sever connections he conversant as chaplain to Short Charles I.
An CollinsProtestant theological journalist (fl 1650)
Daniel Collins DDCanon of City, Chaplain to King Charles I (died 1648)
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Edward Collins*1st Deacon of picture Congregationalist Cathedral of City, Massachusetts (1603 - 1689)
Frank CollinsBritish Service soldier, Sanctuary of England minister (1957 – 1998)
Hercules Collins English Protestant minister (died 1702)
John Collins English Independent minister (c. 1632–1687)
John J. Collins SJRoman Catholic Bishop of Antiphellus and Vicar Catholic of State (1856 – 1934)
John CollinsAnglican churchman, Canon divest yourself of St Paul's Cathedral, Author, War request Wantco-founder (1905 – 1982)
John A. CollinsRoman Massive priest, Chief disregard Chaplains exert a pull on the Mutual States Feeling Force (1931 – 2003)
John J. Author PhDIrish scriptural studies scholar, Holmes University lecturer of Elderly Testament Denunciation & Description at Yale Subject School (born 1946)
Reverend Judson Dwight Collinsfirst Methodist missionary to C