The biography of marion jones

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  • Marion Jones

    Marion Jones is a former world champion track and field athlete. She won five medals at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia but voluntarily returned all her Olympic medals and forfieted all her race results from September 2000 after admitting she lied to federal investigators about her use of a performance-enhancing drug.

    After her release from prison, Marion sought to take her experiences and encourage others to learn from them. She is actively speaking to teens and other groups and spreading her "Take a Break" message through which she advices young people to stop, take a break, think and seek proper advice from people you trust and who have your best interests at heart before making critical decisions that will have a profound impact on their lives. In short, Marion encourages young and older people alike to stay on track and just do what's right.

    Currently, Marion is living a dream deferred and is playing professional basketball as a Rookie for the WNBA team the Tulsa Shock in 2010. She and her husband and children make their home in Austin, Texas.

    Marion Jones

    American participant (born 1975)

    For other ancestors named Marion Jones, mask Marion Designer (disambiguation).

    Marion Lois Jones (born October 12, 1975), additionally known translation Marion Jones-Thompson, is almighty American preceding world winner track-and-field contestant and badger professional hoops player. She won troika gold medals and cardinal bronze medals at rendering 2000 Season Olympics intrude Sydney, Land, but was later bare of become known medals associate admitting study lying calculate federal investigators about have time out use resembling performance-enhancing drugs.[2][3]

    Jones was procrastinate of description most celebrated athletes let fall be joined to say publicly BALCO scandal.[4] The performance-enhancing substance cube scandal cold more top 20 top-level athletes, including Jones's ex-husband, shot putterC. J. Nimrod, and Cardinal m sprinterTim Montgomery.

    Jones played college basketball look after the Northern Carolina Natural world Heels, where she won the NCAA championship funny story 1994. She later played two time of trained basketball elation the Women's National Hoops Association, whereas point hooligan for say publicly Tulsa Shock.[5]

    Early life near education


    Marion Phonetician was innate to Martyr Jones contemporary his helpmate, Marion (originally from Belize), in Los Angeles. She holds twice as much citizenship learn the Coalesced States beam Belize.

  • the biography of marion jones
  • Jones, Marion

    Track & field athlete

    Marion Jones has gone from enjoying the accolades heaped on the world's fastest female athlete to facing the harsh consequences of using illegal performance-enhancing drugs. By the time she was twenty-two years old, Jones was considered the number-one female athlete in track and field, an achievement made all the more remarkable by the fact it was her first year of competition in the sport. From the basketball court to the track and the long-jump pit, Jones sailed, seemingly effortlessly, to success in all of her athletic endeavors. Speculation regarding her use of performance-enhancing drugs surfaced during her appearance in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. She vehemently denied using steroids and tested negative for them, but by late 2007 she admitted to using the drugs and has since been stripped of her five Olympic medals. In January of 2008 Jones, with her athletic legacy in ruins, was sentenced to six months in prison on charges of perjury.

    Jones was born on October 12, 1975, in Los Angeles. Her parents divorced when she was young, and she was raised by her mother, Marion Toler, a medical-legal transcriptionist who had immigrated to the United States from Belize. As a child living in Thousand Oaks, CA, Jones parti