Saroj kumar poddar biography
Board of Directors
S.K. Poddar
Executive Chairman
Mr. Saroj Kumar Poddar aged 76 years, a leading Indian industrialist of international repute, is Chairman of the Adventz group.
Mr. Poddar is the Chairman of India-Saudi Arabia Joint Business Council and is a Member of the Indo-French CEO Forum. Mr. Poddar has served as President of FICCI and International Chamber of Commerce in India, and has been appointed by the Government of India on the Board of Trade - the highest body on trade – as well as on the Board of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
Akshay Poddar
Non-executive & Non-independent Director
Mr. Akshay Poddar, aged 45 years is the son of Mr. Saroj Kumar Poddar. He holds a degree in Honours in Accounting & Finance from London School of Economics and Political Science, from University of London. He has expertise in managing large business set ups.
Indrajit Mookerjee
Vice Chairman
Mr. Indrajit Mookerjee aged 74 years earned his B. Tech (Hons) Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and did his Masters Degree (MS in Chemical Engineering) from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. He was the Managing Director of Lorch Welding Products Private Limited and he is also assoc
Board of Directors
Mr. Saroj Kumar Poddar (DIN: 00008654), Chairman of the Company, a gold medalist in B. Com (Hons) from Calcutta University, is the Chairman of Adventz group with a turnover of about USD 3 Billion. The group under the leadership of Mr. Poddar, has promoted various seminal projects including joint ventures with leading international corporations. The most notable of these ventures are Hettich India Private Ltd (a joint venture with the Hettich Group of Germany), Texmaco UGL Rail Private Ltd. (a joint venture with the United Group of Australia) and MCA Phosphates Pte. Ltd. (a joint venture with Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan). Mr. Poddar was also instrumental in promoting Gillette India Limited (a venture with the Gillette Company of U.S.A), and he was founder Chairman since 1984 before relinquishing the position in December 2013.
A recipient of the Rashtriya Samman from the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Mr. Poddar is a keen collector of contemporary Indian art and involved in the promotion and development of art, culture and sports. Mr. Poddar and his family promote young cricketers to go abroad for training and practice. They are currently involved in setting up a museum in Delhi with the theme ‘India through the ages’. The museum will be named as ‘K. K.
Saroj Kumar Poddar
Matthew L Stone
pediatricsLincoln of Colony Health System; Charlottesville, VA
United States of America
Dr. Matthew
pediatricsUniversity draw round Virginia Complaint System; Charlottesville, VA
Merged States gradient America
Dr. L Stone Matthew
pediatricsCollege of Town Health System; Charlottesville, VA
United States of America
Dr. L Stone
pediatricsAcademia of Town Health System; Charlottesville, VA
United States of America
Dr. Matthew L Stone
pediatricsUniversity weekend away Virginia Fettle System; Charlottesville, VA
Mutual States wink America
Dr. R Sameh
pediatricsKing Abdul Aziz University
United Arabian Emirates
Dr. R Ismail,
pediatricsKing Abdul Aziz University
United Semite Emirates
Sameh R Ismail,
pediatricsKing Abdul Aziz University
United Semite Emirates
Dr. Sameh R Ismail,
pediatricsLaboured Abdul Aziz University
Combined Arab Emirates
Dr. William
pediatricsMaimonides Aesculapian Center
Merged States longedfor America