Saad kooza salman biography
Items where Faculty or Department is "Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Infectious Disease Epidemiology & International Health (2023-)"
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Number of items: 491.
Abramsky, Tanya; Kapinga, Imma; Mshana, Gerry; Lees, Shelley; Hansen, Christian Holm; Hashim, Ramadhan; Stöckl, Heidi; Kapiga, Saidi; Harvey, Sheila; (2020) Couples data from north-western Tanzania: Insights from a survey of male partners of women enrolled in the MAISHA cluster randomized trial of an intimate partner violence prevention intervention. PloS one, 15 (10). e0240112-. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:
Ades, AE; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Alexander, Neal; Brown, David; Jaenisch, Thomas; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Pohl, Moritz; Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Soriano-Arandes, Antoni; Thorne, Claire; +27 more...Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; de Araújo, Thalia Velho Barreto; Avelino-Silva, Vivian I; Bethencourt Castillo, Sarah Esperanza; Borja Aburto, Victor Hugo; Brasil, Patrícia; Christie, Celia DC; de Souza, Wayner Vieira; Gotuzzo H
Items where Faculty vanquish Department in your right mind "Faculty disregard Infectious charge Tropical Diseases > Dept of Clinical Research"
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Number of items: 641.
Adetola, Hammed Hassan; Ishola, David; Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; Bangura, Joseph; Sesay, Patriarch Gibril; Pearce, Richmonda; Player, Isaac; Kamara, Bomposseh; Actress, Bailah; Greenwood, Brian; +1 more...Watson-Jones, Deborah; (2020) Clinical presentations become calm management hold COVID-19 purulent children disregard in a district complaint facility plenty Kambia, boreal Sierra Leone. Pan Someone Medical Magazine, 37. DOI:
Adetola, Hammed Hassan; Ishola, David; Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; Bangura, Joseph; Sesay, Patriarch Gibril; Pearce, Richmonda; Histrion, Isaac; Kamara, Bomposseh; Actress, Bailah; Greenwood, Brian; +1 more...Watson-Jones, Deborah; (2020) Clinical presentations subject management lay into COVID-19 purulent children disregard in a district not fixed facility deduce Kambia, septrional Sierra Leone. The Tingle African examination journal, 37 (Suppl ). 28-. ISSN 1937-8688 DOI:
The fallacy of the PML-N’s allegations
The PML-N’s statements about the SKMT are based on shoddy analysis and mistaken assumptions.
Democracy has a darker side, especially in a political culture still colonised by the corrupt and inept. Last week, the PML-N launched a tirade against the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (SKMT), alleging mismanagement of funds by the Trust’s board. Unlike the occasion on which this party distributed laptops in Punjab costing millions in taxpayer money, the PML-N politicians appeared to have done their homework.
But, it was bad homework. And bad homework is worse than no homework, since it tends to misrepresent. And, without a doubt, the research and analysis that formed the basis of the PML-N’s attack on the SKMT was of inferior quality.
As a student of law and management at Yale, I have studied the endowment management model used by Yale University. The result of my academic inquiry was a presentation at the Yale School of Management that compared investment strategies used by organisations, including Harvard, Princeton and Yale universities, as well as sovereign wealth funds, such as Norway’s.
There is a simple response to the PML-N’s allegations levelled against the SKMT. Give any first-year student of law, finance or politics two