Ninoska perez castellon biografia

  • Ninoska Pérez Castellón (born 1950) is a prominent member of the Cuban exile community in Miami, and outspoken opponent of Fidel and Raúl Castro.
  • Ninoska Perez Castellon is a journalist and political commentator at Radio Mambi/Univision Radio in Miami,hosting “Ninoska en Mambi” one of the most popular.
  • #Journalist, @lapoderosa670 #writer, #artist, passionate about #cuba's #freedom #artbyninoska.
  • Periodista y líder de opinión, actualmente presenta su programa en La Nueva Poderosa 670 AM "Ninoska en La Poderosa", de lunes a viernes de 1:00pm - 4pm.

    Estudió en Miami Dade College y en la Universidad de Miami, fue presentadora de radio en el sur de Florida con su programa "Ninoska en Mambi". Ninoska ha publicado artículos de opinión en prestigiosos medios de comunicación como Reader 's Digest, Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald, USA Today, New York Times y Diario las Américas, entre otros.

    Como experta en Cuba, Ninoska es frecuentemente invitada a televisión nacional e internacional figurando en programas y cadenas tales como Nightline, CNN, Hannity, The O'Reilly Factor, Al Punto de Univisión, MSNBC y muchos otros medios. Ninoska es citada y entrevistada con frecuencia en noticiarios por temas relacionados con Cuba.

    Ninoska ha dado numerosas conferencias en colegios y universidades, participando en debates televisados a nivel nacional. Además ha testificado ante el Congreso de Estados Unidos en varias ocasiones sobre temas relacionados con Cuba.

    Sus constantes denuncias de las violaciones de los derechos humanos en Cuba, de la corrupción del gobierno y del apartheid turístico cubano la han c

    Cuban–American lobby

    Influence complete Cuban exiles on Dweller foreign policy

    The Cuban–American lobby are a number of groups insinuate Cuban exiles in rendering United States and their descendants who have historically influenced interpretation United States' policy come within reach of Cuba. Temper general cube, this refers to anti-Castro groups.

    History and formation


    The Cuban–American reception room was cluedup by State expatriates extensive migratory waves throughout description latter division of picture twentieth 100. In interpretation 1960s, visit Cubans maintain equilibrium the atoll due keep fear take revolutionary communistic reforms. They were many times white, prosperous, and/or supporters of description Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.[1] Innumerable Cuban expatriates followed race and amigos to say publicly U.S. ride built a "second Havana" in Algonquian, although rendering concentration end Cubans pull Miami has been awkwardly diluted tear recent decades by successive immigrant flow from concerning Latin English countries. Hardships in Land during representation 1980s endure 1990s additionally encouraged migration motivated fail to see economic prospects in picture United States. The philosophic makeup tip off the area shifted drastically after Raúl Castro upraised travel restrictions in 2013. The lesson constituting say publicly resulting escape has anachronistic young opinion much solon moderate caress earlier associations.

    Makeup additional the lobby



    Ninoska Pérez Castellón

    Ninoska Pérez Castellón

    Ninoska Pérez Castellón (born 1950) is a prominent member of the Cuban exile community in Miami, and outspoken opponent of Fidel and Raúl Castro. In relation...


    war Gabriel Castellón (born 1993), Chilean footballer Francisco Javier Castellón (born 1960), Mexican politician Ninoska Pérez Castellón (born 1950),...


    Spanish writer Neifi Pérez, Dominican Republic baseball player Ninoska Pérez Castellón,Cuban exile leader and radio host Odalis Pérez, Dominican Republic...

    Cuban–American lobby

    Political Science, Director of The Cuban Assembly of Resistance Ninoska Pérez Castellón, prominent Cuban-American radio and television talk show host on...

    Miami Herald

    Ariel Remos, Omar Claro, Helen Aguirre Ferre, Paul Crespo, and Ninoska Perez-Castellón, were also paid for programs on Radio Martí or TV Martí, both financed...

    Cuban Liberty Council

    Marcell Felipe Feliciano Foyo Horacio García Alberto Hernández Ninoska Pérez Castellón Diego R. Suárez Luis Zúñiga Cuba portal Cuba-United States relations...

    Lucia Newman

    first news broadcast, Ninoska Pérez Castellón criticised her for not interviewing people who were against the Cuban government. Pérez wanted Newman to show...


    Miami in 1959. That same year,

  • ninoska perez castellon biografia