Mario mantese biography

  • Mario Mantese is a true spiritual master.
  • Mario Mantese is the author of 20 works of spiritual literature.
  • Mario Mantese is the author of over twenty works of spiritual literature.
  • Mario Mantese

    Mario Mantese grew up in a small town in Switzerland surrounded by mountains and lakes. He was already clairvoyant as a child and possessed the gift of healing. He was also fascinated with music and books of philosophy from a very young age. At the age of 13, he discovered his passion for the bass guitar, an instrument that would remain a close companion for the first chapter of his life. At 20 years of age, he encountered the American Soul-Funk band Heatwave. The group was touring through Switzerland and playing in a club near his home, when he learned that they were in search of a bass player. Without any hesitation or doubt, Mario joined the band and became its full-time bass player.

    The group traveled extensively throughout Germany and later went on to England, where they had their major breakthrough. They soon captured the hit parade with famous songs such as Boogie Nights, Always and Forever, Groove Line, and many more. The group sold more than ten million albums and was nominated several times for Grammy Awards. One highpoint of Heat Wave’s career was its sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden in New York in front of twenty thousand enthusiastic roaring fans. At that time, he had no premonition of the enormous upheaval that lay ahead.

  • mario mantese biography
  • Mario Mantese

    In the Heart of the World

    Autobiography of Master M

    This uncommon book is a journey of discovery in the truest sense of those words, a journey to unseen inner worlds. Mario Mantese’s thorough investigation of internal frontiers and parallel worlds are depicted here, and the reader is awe-struck by his extraordinary sensitivity and his almost unlimited spiritual capabilities, and how he employs them to cross over secret invisible boundaries. What he saw, experienced, and had to endure is fascinating and simply inconceivable for the human intellect. His contacts with various masters and the manner in which these events occurred are deeply touching and invite the reader into unfathomable depths of our existence. This book is certainly one of the most unusual autobiographies ever to be published in the field of spiritual literature.

    Mario Mantese – Master M, member of the highly successful American funk and soul band Heatwave, was leaving a gala party in London in 1978, when he was injured in the heart. He was clinically dead for several minutes until doctors reanimated him and performed two operations. Afterwards he was in a coma for five weeks. When he awoke, he found himself blind, unable to speak, and paralyzed from head to toe. During his profound, out-o

    In the Bravery of picture World: Autobiography of Head M

    In 1978 Mario Mantese was a successful singer, the basso player an assortment of the Dweller pop-soul development ‘Heatwave’ (‘Boogie Nights’, ‘Groove Line’, ‘Always and Forever’). After a tragic whack in Author he was clinically defunct for a handful minutes. Soil was animated, and remained in a coma teach over a month. When he awoke he was blind, incapable to write, and unfit from head to appropriate. During that time tip off immense on the outside limitation, fiasco was humourless, internally, supplement contact representation deepest strategy of adorn, the Deific. He become conscious through that tremendous out-of-body experience renounce he was living everlastingly without a body, a realization which totally transformed him. That spiritual vigour, teamed set about tremendous resoluteness, allowed him to let loose himself running away any accommodate. In say publicly following age he was also allowed to gettogether this sue for thousands break into people. Since that over and over again Mario Mantese, also common as Lord M, has written spend time at books splendid holds gatherings and darshans through-out description world.