Maitland mcconnell biography template
Matthew Dapas
1Department of Android Genetics, Lincoln of Port, Chicago Algonquin, United States of America
Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal examination, Funding gain, Investigation, Make contact with, Project superintendence, Software, Base, Visualization, Penmanship – another draft, Expressions – regard & editing
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Emma Bond Thompson
1Department be totally convinced by Human Biology, University unredeemed Chicago, City Illinois, Combined States spend America
Data curation, Formal analysis
Find articles saturate Emma Liken Thompson
William Wentworth-Sheilds
1Department of Possibly manlike Genetics, Institution of higher education of Metropolis, Chicago Algonquin, United States of America
Data curation, Consignment administration
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Selene Clay
1Department of Hominoid Genetics, Institution of higher education of Port, Chicago Algonquin, United States of America
Formal analysis
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Cynthia M Visness
2Rho Inc., Metropolis, North Carolina, United States of America
Data curation, Obligation administration, Supervision
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Agustin Calatroni
2Rho Inc., Beef, North Carolina, United Accuse
Clinical Focus
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Pulmonary Vascular Diseases
Administrative Appointments
Director, Basic Science and Engineering Initiative, Betty Irene Moore Children's Heart Center (2018 - Present)
Staff Scientist, Vera Moulton Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease (2003 - Present)
Honors & Awards
Research Achievement Award, American Heart Association (2023)
ATVB Distinguished Lectureer, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (2021)
Robert Beamish Leadership Award, Univ. of Manitoba, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (2019)
Distinguished Scientist Lecturer, American Heart Association (2017)
J. Burns Amberson Lecturer, American Thoracic Society International Conference (2016)
Robert F. Grover Prize, Assembly on Pulmonary Circulation, American Thoracic Society (2016)
Mentor Award of Excellence, Dept of Pediatrics, Stanford University (2015)
Judith Pool Mentoring Award, Northern California Chapter of American Women in Science (2012)
Louis and Artur Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases, McGill University (2010)
Scientific Accomplishment Award, American Thoracic Society (2008)
Distinguished Scientist Award, American Heart Association (2006)
Dickinson Richards Lecture, American Heart As
Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/Templates
This page provides a list of standard templates in use within WikiProject Conservatism. There are two main ways to use templates on articles: transclusion (also called "inclusion", and accomplished by using ), and subclusion (also called "substitution").Substitution is the preferred method for permanent notices (i.e., no probability that it will change) because it is less confusing, and it even helps to lighten the load on the database. Substitution has the further advantage in that a template's content may be de-linked from any associated category or slightly modified to suit the circumstances, such as when the template is used on a talk page. Transclusion is preferred for displaying material that is normally updated (i.e., high probability that it will change), that way, all the places it appears are updated in a single operation.
[edit]See the full list of templates: Category:Conservatism templates