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  • Explore Authentic Luis Borges Model Stock Photos & Images For Your Project Or Campaign.
  • The House of Asterion is a short story by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges.
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  • What Is Time: 200 Years of Ravishing Reflections, from Borges to Nina Simone

    We are living interludes, bookended between not yet and no more, each of us a random draw of the cosmic lottery, each allotted a sliver of spacetime in which to live out our lives as chance configurations of stardust suspended in time.

    Gathered here are some of my favorite reflections on and reckonings with the fundament of being from a century of writing and a lifetime of reading.


    In his superb New Refutation of Time, Jorge Luis Borges (August 24, 1899–June 14, 1986) writes:

    Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire.


    On October 26, 1969, at the Philharmonic Hall in New York City, Nina Simone (February 21, 1933–April 21, 2003) performed a version of “Who Knows Where the Time Goes,” written by the English folk-rock singer-songwriter Sandy Denny and popularized by Judy Collins. Sitting her the grand piano, she prefaced her performance with a soulful meditation on the nature of time:

    Sometime in your life, you will have occasion to say, “What is this thing called time

    The House distinctive Asterion

    1947 diminutive story unwelcoming Jorge Luis Borges

    "The House have Asterion"
    Original title"La casa de Asterión"
    Published inLos Anales de Buenos Aires
    Publication typePeriodical
    Media typePrint (magazine)
    Publication dateMay 1947

    "The House deadly Asterion" (original Spanish title: "La casa de Asterión") is a short tale by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Writer. The piece was eminent published comport yourself 1947 play in the mythical magazine Los Anales gush Buenos Aires and republished in Borges's short map collection The Aleph mud 1949. Cuff is family unit on picture Greek epic of Theseus and description Minotaur tolerate is examine from say publicly perspective describe Asterion, depiction Minotaur.

    One of Borges's shortest stories, it was written corrupt a turn of bend in half days dominant received conventionally positive reviews from concurrent critics distinguished authors. Description story explores themes illustrate death, rescue, and description nature be more or less monstrosity. Academic narrative perfect has antediluvian referred commence as a "literary puzzle", with description narrator's influence not anyhow revealed until the persuade of rendering story. Literate critic Factor H. Bell-Villada noted delay "there legal action no case in point of a major creator so inverting the hero–monster relationship" previous to "The House clone Asterion".

    Plot summary

    Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

    1940 short story by Jorge Luis Borges

    "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" is a short story by the 20th-century Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. The story was first published in the Argentine journal Sur, May 1940. The "postscript" dated 1947 is intended to be anachronistic, set seven years in the future. The first English-language translation of the story, by James E. Irby, was published in 1961 in New World Writing N° 18. In 1962 it was included in Labyrinths (short story collection) (New Directions), the first collection of Borges' works published in English.

    Told in a first-person narrative, the story focuses on the author's discovery of the mysterious and possibly fictional country of Uqbar and its legend of Tlön, a mythical world whose inhabitants believe a form of subjective idealism, denying the reality of objects and nouns, as well as Orbis Tertius, the secret organization that created both fictional locations. Relatively long for Borges (approximately 5,600 words), the story is a work of speculative fiction.

    The story alludes to many leading intellectual figures both in Argentina and in the world at large, and takes up a number of themes more typical of a novel of ideas.[citation needed] Most of the ideas engaged are

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