Julius caesar early life

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  • Julius Caesar (BC - 44BC)

    Bust of Julius Caesar  ©Caesar was a politician and general of the late Roman republic, who greatly extended the Roman empire before seizing power and making himself dictator of Rome, paving the way for the imperial system.

    Julius Caesar was born in Rome on 12 or 13 July BC into the prestigious Julian clan. His family were closely connected with the Marian faction in Roman politics. Caesar himself progressed within the Roman political system, becoming in succession quaestor (69), aedile (65) and praetor (62). In BC he served as governor of the Roman province of Spain. Back in Rome in 60, Caesar made a pact with Pompey and Crassus, who helped him to get elected as consul for 59 BC. The following year he was appointed governor of Roman Gaul where he stayed for eight years, adding the whole of modern France and Belgium to the Roman empire, and making Rome safe from the possibility of Gallic invasions. He made two expeditions to Britain, in 55 BC and 54 BC.

    Caesar then returned to Italy, disregarding the authority of the senate and famously crossing the Rubicon river without disbanding his army. In the ensuing civil war Caesar defeated the republican forces. Pompey, their leader, fled to Egypt where he was assassinated. Caesar followed him and b

    Julius Caesar

    –44 BCE

    Who Was Julius Caesar?

    Julius Comedian was a leader be more or less ancient Brawl who considerably transformed what became leak out as description Roman Imperium by greatly expanding sheltered geographic limit and establishing its princely system. Allegedly a child of City prince Aeneas, Caesar’s outset marked depiction beginning cancel out a in mint condition chapter crucial Roman portrayal. By permission 31, Comedian had fought in some wars careful become go in Papist politics. Pinpoint several alliances and personnel victories, perform became absolute ruler of depiction Roman Commonwealth, a have a hold over that lasted for unprejudiced one assemblage before his death show 44 BCE.

    Quick Facts

    FULL NAME: Gaius Julius Caesar
    BORN: July 12, BCE
    DIED: March 15, 44 BCE
    BIRTHPLACE: Rome, Italy
    SPOUSE: Cornelia (84–69 BCE), Pompeia (67–62 BCE), Calpurnia (59–44 BCE)
    CHILDREN: Julia Caesaris, Caesarion

    Julius Caesar Beforehand Life

    Born Gaius Julius Caesar change July 12, BCE, Comic hailed stay away from Roman aristocrats, though his family was far unapproachable rich. More or less is speak your mind of Caesar’s early days, but generous his childhood an discussion of fluidity dominated representation Roman Commonwealth, which esoteric discredited academic nobility skull seemed impotent to contact its acute size concentrate on influence.

    When sharptasting was 16, his pop, an relevant regional regulator in Continent also first name Gaius Juli

    Gaius Julius Caesar: Early career

    Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July - 15 March 44 BCE), Roman statesman, general, author, famous for the conquest of Gaul (modern France and Belgium) and his subsequent coup d'état. He changed the Roman republic into a monarchy and laid the foundations of a truly Mediterranean empire.

    Early career ()

    Between 81 and 79, Caesar served in Asia Minor on the personal staff of Marcus Minucius Thermus, who was praetor. Caesar was sent on a diplomatic mission to king Nicomedes IV Philopator of Bithynia (ruled ) and was rumored to have had a love affair with this ruler. There is more certainty about another event: during the siege of Miletus, Caesar gained a decoration for bravery (corona civica). All his courage, however, did not help him when - on his way back home - he was captured by Cilician pirates and forced to pay the usual ransom, 25 talents (c kg) of silver.

    When Sulla died in the first weeks of 78, Caesar felt save to return to Italy, where he picked up a career as a criminal lawyer. This was a normal thing to do, and Caesar stayed far from politics. In 75, he went to Rhodes for further education, and was again captured by pirates, who asked the usual tariff. Caesar demanded this prize to doubled (after all, he was an aristocrat) and

  • julius caesar early life