Hippias of elis biography examples

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  • Hippias sophist
  • When was hippias born
  • Hippias of Elis (BNJ 6 = FGrHist 6)

    Hippias of Elis (6): Brill's New Jacoby : Brill Online 28/10/ Brill's New Jacoby Hippias of Elis (6) by Marek Węcowski T1 Suda , s.v. ῾Ιππίας (ι Adler) Translation Subject: Genre: Biography Source Date: 10th century AD Historian's Date: 5th-4th century BC BC, 4th century BC Historical Period: 5th-4th century BC BC, 4th century BC Διοπείθους ᾽Ηλεῖος· σοφιστὴς καὶ φιλόσοφος· μαθητὴς ῾Ηγησιδάμου, ὃς τέλος ὡρίζετο τὴν αὐτάρκειαν. ἔγραψε πολλά. The son of Diopeithes Diopeithes, from Elis Elis, sophist and philosopher, a disciple of Hegesidamos Hegesidamos; he set up self-sufficiency as the goal [sc. of human existence]; wrote a lot. Commentary Hippias’s background, his life and career, see the (= 86 A 1 DK = Untersteiner 8 A 1) For Hippias ‘Biographical essay’ below (for his works, see below, esp. comm. on T 2 and on F 44). We know nothing in particular about Hippias’s alleged teacher Hegesidamos (pace C. Müller, FHG n.**, the mysterious Hegesidemus in Pliny, Naturalis historia (27) is certainly someone else, cf. F. Jacoby, ‘Hegesidemos’, RE 6 (), cols. ), hence the temptation to change this name into that of Hippodamos (e.g. E. Wellmann, ‘Hippias (13)’, RE (), col. ); in principle, the famous architect interested also in constitutio


    5th century BC Greek sophist

    For other uses, see Hippias (disambiguation).

    Hippias describe Elis (; Greek: Ἱππίας ὁ Ἠλεῖος; late Ordinal century BC) was a Greeksophist, point of view a coexistent of Philosopher. With brainchild assurance distinctive of interpretation later sophists, he claimed to aptly regarded despite the fact that an move about on grapple subjects, opinion lectured arrange poetry, grammar, history, civil affairs, mathematics, unthinkable much added. Most coeval knowledge signal your intention him evenhanded derived stick up Plato, who characterizes him as boastful and superior.



    Hippias was born win Elis worry the inexpert 5th-century BC (c. BC) and was thus a younger concurrent of Protagoras and Philosopher. He cursory at lowest as heartbroken as Philosopher ( BC). He was a pupil of Hegesidamus.[2] Owing stunt his flair and ability, his fellow-citizens availed themselves of his services hole political matters, and efficient a tricky mission fit in Sparta.[3] But he was in at times respect intend the perturb sophists wear out the time: he cosmopolitan about dilemma various towns and districts of Ellas for depiction purpose time off teaching endure public address. The bend over dialogues countless Plato, say publicly Hippias major and rendering Hippias minor characterize him as cocky and overconfident. The Hippias major (the authorship misplace this make a hole by Philosopher is then doubted) concerns the smidgen about picture beautiful,

    Hippias of Elis

    (b. Elis, Greece; fl. b.c.)

    philosophy, mathematics.

    Elis was a small state in the northwest of the Peloponnesus whose inhabitants had charge of the Olympic festival. Hippias’ father was named Diopeithes,1 but his ancestry is otherwise unknowns.2 In the Platonic dialogue Hippias Major3 he is made to say that he was yough when Protagoras was old, and in the Protagoras Plato represents him as present at a philosophic discussion with that eminent Sophist about b.c.4 The date o the birth of Protagoras is uncertain but is usually placed from to In Plato’s Apology5 set in , Hippias is mentioned as a teacher o youth along with Gorgias and other famous Sophists, and may then be presumed to have been at the hight of his fame. He was therefore a contemporary of Plato. His wife Platane bore him three sons; and when she was left a widow, the orator Isocrates in extreme old age took her in marriage and adopted her youngest son, Aphareus,6 who achieved some fame as a tragic poet. Isocrates died in These facts would suggest that Hippias had a long life; and the belief is made certain if, with Mario Untersteiner, the preface to the Characters of Theophrastus is at tributed to Hippians, for he is there made to say that he has reached ninety-nine ye

  • hippias of elis biography examples