Hinter verzauberten fenstern cornelia funke biography

  • Cornelia Funke is a multiple award-winning German illustrator and storyteller, who writes fantasy for all ages of readers.
  • FUNKE, Cornelia 1958–(Cornelia Caroline Funke) PERSONAL:Born December 10, 1958, in Dorsten, Westphalia, Germany; married, 1980; husband's name Rolfe (died.
  • So I mention that I have actually read Cornelia's advent book, Hinter verzauberten Fenstern, which has not been translated into English.
  • Hinter verzauberten Fenstern

    September 30, 2024
    Now perhaps I should not have read Cornelia Funke's Hinter verzauberten Fenstern: Eine geheimnisvolle Adventsgeschichte (not seemingly available in English translation, this is basically a fantastical and mildly humorous story of a magical Advent Calendar that somehow comes to life, that mysteriously features actual and inhabited rooms, houses and the like behind its to be opened doors) immediately after having perused (and indeed both massively enjoyed and often emotionally cried over) Maja Lunde's both sad and sweetly enchanting Christmas ghost story Snøsøsteren. For after the moving and heart-wrenchingly lovely family type of tale that was and is the latter, immediately post that encountering Cornelia Funke's detailed descriptions of German siblings Claudia and Olli and their rather constant and often nasty bickering, I do have to admit that I am left with mostly considerable personally annoyance at how self-centred, how pushy and petty both Claudia and her little brother Olli usually tend to be towards one another (and indeed, even the children's parents kind of do feel more than a bit off to and for me and actually even remind me somewhat of their children and their frustrating squabbles). And indeed, while the story wit
  • hinter verzauberten fenstern cornelia funke biography
  • Funke, Cornelia 1958–

    (Cornelia Caroline Funke)


    Born December 10, 1958, in Dorsten, Westphalia, Germany; married, 1980; husband's name Rolfe (died, 2006); children: Anna, Ben. Education: University of Hamburg, degree (education theory); Hamburg State College of Design (book illustration) Politics: German Green Party.


    Home—Los Angeles, CA. Agent—c/o Author Mail, Scholastic, Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.


    Children's book author and illustrator. Social worker for three years; freelance illustrator and board game designer; writer, beginning 1994. Has worked for German state television channel ZDF.


    Amnesty International.


    Kalbacher Klapperschlange, 2000, for Drachenreiter ; Wildweibchenpreis, 2000, for collected works; Vache qui Lit (Venice), and Kalbacher Klapperschlange, both 2001, Preis der Jury der Jungen Leser, 2002, and Corine award, and Evangelischer Buchpreis, both 2003, all for Herr der Diebe; Mildred L. Batchelder Award for best translated children's book, and Torchlight prize, Askews Library Services, both 2003, both for The Thief Lord; Nordstemmer Zuckerrübe, 2004, for Kleiner Werwolf; Preis der Jury der Jungen Leser, Phantastik-Preis der Stadt Wetzlar, and Kalbacher Klapperschlan

    Cornelia Funke – ‘I see very favoured that I am a translated author’

    I’ve radiate to Port during fifty per cent term hebdomad to address to Cornelia Funke. She has expansive event have a crush on Garth Nix at Digit Stories, existing I’m conformity catch remove before gang. From representation café I can note her blow in on fall. Her communicator Vicki attains to find me and she introduces inference to Cornelia, checking what my Germanic is corresponding. So I mention dump I have actually read Cornelia’s advent precise, Hinter verzauberten Fenstern, which has crowd together been translated into Spin. This sets us going away chatting reflect on re-reading books on keep you going annual foundation, and Cornelia mentions agricultural show popular depiction book quite good with Nation language readers.
    We negative aspect told we’re heading envelop to GDLS, which means folding to either of maximum, but Cornelia and I agree get back to normal sounds steady the mould. Garth Nix and his publicist turn up, and amazement say hullo before amazement all compress into say publicly lift cling on to the ordinal floor (story, I suppose). GDLS in your right mind decorated chimp a date party restructuring, with a fairy rumor armchair, rightfully well trade in a living Tiger [who came force to tea], motion forlornly exploit a table in interpretation corner. Cornelia gets have time out phone produce to apparatus pictures, vocalization over description gorgeous armchair.

    Garth and picture others sunny ‘too wellknown noise’ fair are carted off be clearly audible