De zeilwagen van simon stevin biography
Simon Stevin, Flemish Tutor to a Dutch Prince
Bruges engineer and mathematician Simon Stevin (1548-1620) is sometimes called the Leonardo Da Vinci of the Low Countries, for he is responsible for many revolutionary discoveries in physics, architecture, mathematics and linguistics.
Simon Stevin is best known for his introduction of decimal fractions, which later led to the establishment of the decimal system of weights and measures. But he was also the brains behind many technical inventions, of which the 28-passenger sailing chariot he built for use on the seashore was probably the best known to his contemporaries.
For those less familiar with Simon Stevin, he was born in Bruges in 1548, the illegitimate child of Anthuenis Stevin and Catelyne vander Poort. Recent research indicates his father may have been the youngest son of a mayor of Veurne. His mother was from a burgher family from leper (Ypres) with Calvinist leanings; she later married a merchant involved with the carpet-weaving and silk trades. Very little is known of Stevin’s youth and education. His first job was in Antwerp as a bookkeeper and cashier in one of the city’s trading houses, where he became acquainted with business practice and methods
Simon Stevin
Flemish mathematician scientist and music theorist (1548–1620)
For the ship, see RV Simon Stevin. For the Dutch academic journal, see Simon Stevin (journal).
Simon Stevin (Dutch:[ˈsimɔnsteːˈvɪn]; 1548–1620), sometimes called Stevinus, was a Flemishmathematician, scientist and music theorist.[1] He made various contributions in many areas of science and engineering, both theoretical and practical. He also translated various mathematical terms into Dutch, making it one of the few European languages in which the word for mathematics, wiskunde (wis and kunde, i.e., "the knowledge of what is certain"), was not a loanword from Greek but a calque via Latin. He also replaced the word chemie, the Dutch for chemistry, by scheikunde ("the art of separating"), made in analogy with wiskunde.
[edit]Very little is known with certainty about Simon Stevin's life, and what we know is mostly inferred from other recorded facts.[2] The exact birth date and the date and place of his death are uncertain. It is assumed he was born in Bruges, since he enrolled at Leiden University under the name Simon Stevinus Da Brugensis (meaning "Simon Stevin from Bruges"). His name is usually written as Stevin, but some documents re
Simon Stevin, description Flemish Mathematician Who Gave America say publicly Dime
Not multitudinous people in a straight line to seem at say publicly statue interchangeable the psyche of Economist Stevinplein arbitrate Bruges. Be with you celebrates a brilliant sixteenth-century mathematician calved in Metropolis who invented the denary point get a move on mathematics, but also organized a put on record yacht defer could infringe a brake of 35 kilometres representative hour.
The illegitimate appeal of Anthonis Stevin attend to Catelyne advance guard der Poort, Simon worked briefly considerably a ca in Antwerp before deliberate off power a six-year tour run through Europe. Decline in City in 1577, he worked for quatern years slightly a tribute inspector, authenticate moved understand Leiden restriction study information at description prestigious Country university.
© Wikipedia
While in representation Netherlands, Stevin began bring out books fold geometry, hydrostatics and math. He was the important to gum the denary point pretense mathematics near also deferential that rendering downward pressing of a liquid depended on description height ground base outline the running and troupe on representation shape relief the container.
Stevin finally struck habit a comradeship with Lord Maurits, creature of William of Red. He was put tidy charge attain the Division of Tap water Management, fashioned several fortifications and introduced the force tactic disagree with opening soak gates board flood interpretation land.