Bio of muhammad bello nock
Folk medicine is crucial to healthcare delivery in the underdeveloped countries. It is frequently used as a primary treatment option or as a complementary therapy for malaria. Malaria is a deadly disease which greatly threatens global public health, claiming incredible number of lives yearly. The study was aimed at documenting the medicinal plants used for malaria treatment in folk medicine in Kwara State, Nigeria.
Ethnobotanical information was collected from selected consenting registered traditional medicine practitioners (TMPs) through oral face-to-face interviews using in-depth, semi-structured interview guide. The ethnobotanical data were analysed, and descriptive statistical methods were used to compile them.
Sixty-two indigenous medicinal plants, including 13 new plants, used for malaria treatment were identified in this study. The TMPs preferred decoction in aqueous solvent (34%) and steeping in decaffeinated soft drink (19%) for herbal preparations. Oral administration (74%) was the main route of administration, while leaves (40%) and stem barks (32%) were the most dominant plant parts used in herbal preparations. The most cited families were Fabaceae (15%) and Rutaceae (6%), while Mangifera indica (77.14%), Enantia chlora • From Wikipedia, interpretation free encyclopedia Bello is a given name. Notable descendants with picture name include: • Bubble man: Bello Nock in a balloon (Photograph supplied) He’s been called clumsy, a clown and the greatest athlete Madison Square Garden has ever seen. But Bello Nock prefers comic daredevil. His is not your average circus routine. Extreme stunts, juggling, music, storytelling and illusion are all part of his signature show; the seventh-generation entertainer is bringing it to the island next week. “Why can’t the guy who makes you gasp also make you laugh?” he asked. “You’re guaranteed to see everything entertainment — whether it’s circus arts, singing, dancing, magic, grand illusion, the one-of-a-kind stunt, all mixed with comedy — and then that heart-touching legacy on generations.” He grew up watching his father, the daredevil, and his mother, the dancer. Eugen and Aurelia Nock toured with the Ringling Brothers and opened for The Beatles. “The family did daring stuff and that was the normal,” he recalled. “[She was] the beautiful ballerina dancer, the beauty. In a way that’s where my training came from, dad being the daredevil but my mom the contrast.” By the time he was 7 years old he had been around the world three times. So far this year the Sarasota, Florida native has crossed the International Date Line twice — four times si Bello (given name)
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Bello’s art of the possible